In partnership with Hammersmith Community Gardens Association (HCGA)
Upcoming gardening sessions?
Since its launch 4 years ago, a huge amount of work has been done to improve the green spaces around Hanwell. We are pleased to announce that the Hammersmith Community Gardens Association is bringing its 35 years of experience to Hanwell to help with the Green Hanwell Project. Hammersmith Community Gardens Association is manging the project on behalf of HBL.
Much is known about the health benefits of gardening; we want to add this to the benefits of meeting and working with other members of our community to help make even better greener spaces and give people the chance to have access to fresh fruits and vegetables grown in our community gardens. All our community gardening sessions will give people the time and space to have a chat over a cup of tea whilst helping make a better environment.
Green Hanwell
Every third Tuesday of the month there will be a free workshop at the Hanwell Community Centre 4-6pm where all are welcome to get involved in a fun gardening or environment-based activity.
The first Saturday of each month will be a Community Gardening Day in one of the three main gardens we will be concentrating on this year – Paddington Court, the Gurnell Grove Gardens and Copley Woodland.
Gurnell Grove Gardens have some wonderful well stocked beds and raised planters. There will be a weekday community gardening group every second Tuesday of the month. We will maintain and improve the gardens in Gurnell Grove and will sow seeds and take cuttings that can be used in other gardens in the area. Come along to learn some new horticultural skills or share your own knowledge.
Get involved in Green Hanwell project!
Let us know what you think of the project
Come to our planting days
Volunteer! Become a Horticulture Champion
Join our new Green Hanwell Committee
Are you interested in being part of the decision-making about how far this project could go? We are looking for enthusiastic and interested people to create a committee that will ensure that we retain the rights to the conservation land and our growing project in many years to come.
For more information, please click on:
Get in touch with HBL at [email protected] for any enquiries.
For more information about Hammersmith Community Gardens Association, please click on: